Root Canal Instructions

How long will I be numb?

  • Your lips, teeth, and/or tongue may be numb for several hours after the procedure.
  • To avoid injury, you should avoid any chewing and hot beverages until the numbness has completely worn off. It is very easy to bite or burn your tongue, cheek, or lip while you are numb.

Is it normal for my gums or jaw to be sore?

  • Irritation to the gum tissue can occur from dental work. Rinsing your mouth 2-3 times per day with ½ tsp of warm saltwater can help to alleviate discomfort.
  • Injection sites can be sore for several days after your appointment. Ibuprofen work well to alleviate the tenderness.

Is it normal for my tooth to ache?

It is not uncommon for a tooth to feel tender or even exhibit a dull ache over the next few days as your body undergoes the natural healing process. The symptoms are temporary, usually lasting less than one week. Ibuprofen works well to alleviate tenderness.

Why does my teeth feel different?

  • You may feel a slight indentation or rough area on the back of a “front tooth” or the top of a “back tooth.” This is where a temporary material was placed through the access that was made on the tooth.
  • It is not unusual for a thin layer to wear off in-between appointments. However, if you think the entire filling has come out, please contact our office.

Is it normal for my teeth to be sensitive?

Your tooth may be sensitive to biting pressure and may appear to feel loose. This is a normal response and is no cause for alarm.

My bite feels off, is this normal?

If your bite feels uneven and is causing soreness, please call our office. A short office visit to adjust the problem area usually leads to a quick and dramatic improvement.

Is it okay to eat on the tooth with the root canal?

Please avoid chewing on the tooth that had the root canal. Whenever possible, try to chew on the opposite side of the treated tooth (as it is brittle) until the final restoration has been placed. The temporary filling will not permanently protect your tooth from reinfection or fracture.

Do I need any other treatment after root canal?

A permanent restoration is required after a root canal is performed on a tooth. Depending on the location of the tooth will determine what restoration will be recommended. Most teeth will require some type of crown, although there are exceptions where a filling may be placed. This permanent restoration is used to avoid future tooth fractures as the tooth is “hollowed out” from the root canal procedure.

If you’re in Durham or surrounding areas, please call our office at 919-439-8999 to get more information about Root Canals in Durham.